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Angela Thorpe

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Angela Thorpe's practice involves a response to particular sites using methods of documentation that informs her installations and work. These documentation methods include photography , video and in-depth research both theoretical and historical. Angela uses the "aura" of the unknown and unseen to portray a narrative of a place, focusing on the materiality and immateriality of the space. Angela's response to site- specificity is concentrated on sites that are sacred and disused using the intervention of contemporary artworks. 


Angela Thorpe's current work is about revealing the aura of a place through the etymology of particular words associated to the site. The work takes on various forms through the material and immaterial aspects uncovered, documented and experimented, in connection with the space. 

By using moving projection and photograph's as a trace of people and place, of the "Ghosts and Hosts" of a site. The layering of documentation and text allows a distant interaction, in current times of social dislocation, through an online exhibition between the viewer and artwork, by the veiling and un-veiling of time and place. 

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